Differentiate between Procedural Oriented Program (POP) & Object Oriented Program (OOP) || Limitation of Procedural Oriented Programming || unit 1 class 10


Programming Methodology

Programming Methodology is widely divided into the two categories:


Ø  Procedural Oriented Program (POP)

          Ø  Object Oriented Program (OOP)               



v   Procedural Oriented Program (POP)

            Procedural oriented programming language gives more emphasis to perform specific task rather than data. It focuses on creating and ordering procedural or block of code keeping on mind to accomplish/perform specific job.

For example: C, VB, FORTRAN, etc...


v  Limitation of Procedural Oriented Programming

Ø  It focuses of process rather than data, data is given second class status.

Ø  In pop there is no any data hiding concept.

Ø  Access modifier like public private for protected which ensure data security is missing.

Ø  Data and function are weakly coupled due to which data is shared among all function/Encapsulation.


v   Advantage of object oriented programming

Ø  In object oriented program the main emphasis is given to data.

Ø  Data and member function are blinded together which limits the flow of data outside of function. (Encapsulation)

Ø  Providing data hiding concept by abstraction.

Ø  It provides ways to secure the code by inheritance.

Ø  It helps to connect our program with real world which makes programming much easier.

Ø  It helps to achieve modular programming by making classes where each class is independent to each other's.

Ø  It use Access modifier like public, Private and Protected which secure our data. Like C++, JAVA, C#, VB.NET




v   Differentiate Between Procedural Oriented Program (POP) &  Object Oriented Program (OOP)



v Concept Of Object  Oriented Programming


             i.      Class and Object:

      Class is the user defines data type which allows the grouping of data and function. It is the blue print of object and in real world scerleria data is attributes function are activities.

                                                                                 To define the class we use the keyword class with class-name and by convention the first letter of class-name is written on capital.


Syntax for defining class:

class Class_name{





 Object is runtime variable of class there could be multiple object of single class to create the object variable is used on object name with class_name.

           Syntax for defining object

                     class_name object_name;




          ii.      Encapsulation:

           Encapsulation is the concept of object oriented programming that bind together data and function that manipulate the data and keep both safe from outside interface and misuse.


       iii.      Abstraction:

         Data abstraction in the key feature of object oriented programming. It refers to provide only essential information to the outside world and hiding their background details.


        iv.      Inheritance:

      Inheritance is the process in which one class acquires the properties and behavior to modify and extend the attributes and behavior which are define in other class.


        The class which inherits the member of other class is class is called derivative class (child class) and the class whose member is inherited is called base class (parent class).




Types of inheritance:

v Single inheritance

In single Inheritance there is one base class which properties are inherited by a derived class.



v Multi-level inheritance

            In multi-level inheritance a class inherited properties from the derivative class means will be the base class for next level derivative class.





v Hybrid inheritance

  Hybrid inheritance is the combination of multiple and Hierarchical. In this there are many base class from which a single class inherits the properties again from that single class multiple derived class are formed.


v Multiple inheritance

   In multiple inheritances there is a derived class of multiple base classes.


v Hierarchical inheritance

   In hierarchical inheritance there is a multiple derived class of single class.









           v.      Polymorphism :

     Polymorphism means one things with many forms. It is one of the most important concepts of OOP which means ability to process the object differently depending upon the data type.

        Typically polymorphism occurs when there is hierarchy of class and classes are related with inheritance.






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